협회 소개
Association Introduction
루쇼우만Xiaoman Luo

성 명 : 루쇼우만

영문명: Xiaoman Luo

직 위 : 협회 부 이사

국 가 : 중 국

주요 경력 사항
The vice chairman of International Skin beauty anti ageing Association
The vice director of The Asia Beauty-art Experts Association
The Asia Beauty-art Experts Association (China) legal adviser
Korea skin management senior lecturer
International micro injection beauty operator
Korea and the United States advanced image design courses graduate
Management of clinical application of HISTOLAB skin products in Korea
Senior lecturer of South Korean skincare brand THERMO
Korea KWFF M.T.S MAKE-UP semi permanent professional study
Semi permanent upgrading courses Beijing Dongtian modeling image management
K-bei Korea labor skills beauty contest gold medal
The seventh IBEAC international beauty contest skin Management Award
Korea K Institute senior semi permanent curriculum training
Korea KBCEA Association semi-permanent Trainer qualification
Guest lecturer at AMIEA International Symposium on Semi-Permanent Makeup (Shanghai)
Awards of Korea eighth IBEAC International Beauty Contest
Awards of Korea IFBC International semi-permanent competition
Executive Committee Member of the 9th IBEAC International Beauty Artists Expo in South Korea